Bomb Scare at Campus Earlier This Semester |
I wanted to insert a picture of the campus, but then I found a photo which included the police when we had a bomb scare earlier this semester, just to let you know that it's not boring like most people think college is. In the fall, we had a shooting in the campus parking lot. I don't think the assailants were accepted into the police academy, although they did receive an in-service on arrest procedures.
While I can't wait to see what happens next semester, I'm about three-quarters through this spring's semester. The spring seems to last longer than the fall, but it's the same - four months of classes. Maybe it has something to do with the spring weather. It just proves that time is relative.
My grades are good (five classes - five A's), although it's taken much more work, and the time commitment is greater. I focused my classes over two days (Monday and Wednesday) but they are L O N G days, from 8-5 on Monday and 8-5 on Wednesday with an additional night class from 6-9 on Wednesday. My 4.0 isn't a cinch; I have to stay on top of things, but it's looking pretty good, as long as I stay the course.
The exercising and losing weight is at a plateau, mostly from dealing with pain issues, and a flareup of an old inflammation that I had in my leg, so I needed to rest it for a week or so. I'll be back in the gym this week. I tried walking around the neighborhood and that worked well, but it's hard to be accountable to a cul-de-sac. Plus, I miss the people at the gym.
I'm registered for the summer (Spanish 2), but I'm waiting to see if that's what I really want to do. I need a break and even though I'd have a month off between classes, I wouldn't mind taking the whole summer off. It's really a matter of whether I want to get done quickly as possible or just get done, which will happen too. Either result wouldn't make a difference in my career either way. I want to enjoy the ride, so I may just take the summer off. Still undecided though; I have a couple of months to think about it.
Buster - 50 Pound Puppy |
Other than that, the weather is nice, I feel good today, and now all that's left is for me to study for my exams tomorrow, hit the gym, and gear up for the nice spring break that starts the day after tomorrow!
Go me!
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